History of the siteI have a nice little description of the history of my site. You can read how it evovled from the just a bad site, to THE bad site. Anyway without further ado, History!The beginingI had sort of always wanted to do a web site. I had always thought it was too hard though. But on February 6, 1999 I took the plunge and opened up an account on Xoom. I decided to create a page with thier 11 megs of space. The first site I ever made was made with one of their easy make-a-web-page things. All you had to do was type in what you wanted to say and then click, OK. Very simple. I decided I wanted more to that so I looked in the HTML section of their help site. I took their tutorials and created my very first hand coded HTML Document.The big pageI created the main page after I created my second ever HTML page. I had learned how to do links and pictures so I decided to create an index page. I added Version 2.0 on Sunday night, February 7, 1999.Generation-NextI changed the whole site on Saturday, February 13, 1999. If you'll notice, it is the one week aniversary of my very first site. I had learned a whole lot in that week and my design reflected that. It made navagation a lot easier. I had also renamed the page names to make them easier to remember. I've archived the older version.The ChangeOn March 24, 1999 I switched from my first hoster, XOOM, to Riftwar. I was tired of the advertisments at Xoom so I decided to leave. I did some studying and decided that Riftwar seemed to be the best free ad-less hoster. My page is still the same basically, just on a different server. I also changed the "mood" of the site by not calling it "The Bad Site Page" anymore. I feel like my site is semi-decent now and compared to some at www.webpagesthatsuck.com, my site looks awsome : ). This design can be found here.A new beginingRiftwar was almost constantly down, and I couldn't find any more good no-ad sites, so I decided to put my site on a paid server. A benifit of that was I got a lot more benifits than I would have got from a free one, such as CGI. I finally decided on 1WH after researching for about 4 months off and on. It costs $10 a month, but I consider this as a sort of hobby, so I don't mind. At this same time, I changed the look of the site once again in early July, this time to make it look cleaner and whiter. This style can be found here. I also got my 1,000 visitor sometime in the middle of November. Yea, it took me almost a year, but all well.GraphicsOn Friday, November 26th I changed the design for the 4th time in the history of the site. I feel it's the best looking one, and is definitly the one with the most graphics. I also fixed up some little HTML warnings, and got rid of the update things because they were such a hassle to keep up to date.2000!My 2000th visitor came in late May. Nothing has really changed since I last redid the design, showing how much I like this current one. I had added a seperate Linux section in October of '99, to show my intrest in Linux.The futureThis site has changed drastically from it's first form. I will NEVER use frames because I have yet to see a good site using them. I hate frames. My site is not as bad as it was but will forever carry the curse of a bad page as long as I have a links section at the top. Link sections are EVIL! Keep checking back to the main page as things will be a changing. And this concludes your history lesson. Class Dismissed. |