May 29, 2004

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Yet another long delay in updating, but as busy as I am, I haven't really had a chance to. Not to mention wireless doesn't work in Linux yet (which is where I type all this stuff up), so I'm always in Windows so I don't have to be teathered to my ethernet cable.

It's been interesting getting used to the corporate world. It really does feel like I'm an "adult" now since I have my 8 to 5 job that I have to wake up early for, then go home and make supper, and then hang out with some of the other interns for the 2 or 3 hours until it's time to go to bed to wake up early once again. But you really don't have that much free time since work and travel and meals take up so much of it. It's nice to be making a big paycheck (which I didn't relieze how much taxes take out now that I'm making enough where I'd have to pay them, holy moley). The whole code development process is also an entirely different mindset, so with school it's just "It compilies and it works, it's good to go" while in the work world it has to be maintanable, extendable, and just well engineered on a much more massive scale. Huntsville is a pretty nice city though, I can see why people like to live here. Not much in the way of student things though, but since there isn't a huge local college, it's to be expected. And I'm sure after some more exploring I can find things like the Hipp here in Huntsville.

I also went to play golf for the first time in about 3 years today. My department manager asked me on a whim, and so me and some other coworkers went out and played a round. It was a lot of fun, and while I'm still not great, I was at least consistant most of the time. And except for the last 3 or 4 holes where I just got really hungry and tired, I was doing fairly well. My putting was REALLY bad though, which since that takes the most "feel", that's what suffered the most from lack of practice. I did make it in the cup from about 65 yards out though on one hole which was probably one of my best shots ever.

Thursday is my 21st birthday, so I'm looking forward to a)getting into the clubs that require you to be over 21 and b)free cokes for the designated driver! I think there's about 50 people who's goal is for me to get compeltely plastered on my 21st, but I've always joked I have no problem being the DD for my 21st. I don't really like alcohol or it's effect on me, but drunken (within moderation, ie not throwing up) people are great fun. I'm still not sure what I'll be doing for my birthday, though that weekend I'd like to go visit the NASA space center here in Huntsville because I'm a giant nerd like that. I also bought some strawberry cake mix to make me a cake since most people don't like plain no icing strawberry cake.

No links this time, I can't remember the address of anything cool or interesting at the moment. So just type your favorite thing into Google and have fun.

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