March 5, 2004

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Well I managed to survive the last two weeks somehow, and now it's finally time for Spring Break! I don't think I've ever worked so hard in my life with school work, but at least it's (almost) all done, at least for a few days. I had a huge midterm on Thursday, one today, and then a huge programming project that was due today, but got its due date extended to after spring break. Of course they only tell us this on the day before it's due, and this would have been very nice to know earlier in the week so I didn't lose sleep and stress over it, but well what can you do. The best news of the week was I have my robot moving and obstacle avoiding as of this past weekend, so now it's all about working on the camera to detect color.

Last weekend was pretty fun though, even if I did end up staying up till 6 am on Friday doing homework. Earlier in the evening I went to this horrible play very loosely based off War of the Worlds, but it was with a bunch of friends so that made it at least tolerable. I usually like the The Hippodrome's stuff, but this one was really bad. Then Saturday was one of my best friend's 21st birthday (Happy belated website Birthday Sarah!), so you can't expect me to do homework then now can you? And Monday I went to go see Giselle which is an absolutly incredible ballet. And then Wednesday was the last home basketball game of the season, which I had to miss most of it thanks to all the homework I had. I don't think I've ever looked forward to spring break so much in my life.

As for my spring break plans, in a few hours I'm going with a friend to Daytona to stay with another friend of ours who has a condo for the week. We'll only be staying for the weekend though, and then it's back to Tampa for the first time all semester. I've got a million projects I need to work on, so it won't be a total relaxation, but at least I don't have to juggle classes and other stuff along with all my homework. This semester has been by far the busiest and most time consuming I've ever had, but so far I've somehow managed to keep my head above water.

And just so this doesn't become one big long rant update, here's a cool page with old TV into's of 80's cartoon shows. They even have Dino The Dinosaur!

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