Last Updated: 7/16/00 2:01:46 AM
Welcome to the Site of Stuff; the one site in cyberspace that is full of, well, stuff. It's being updated by a lazy person, hence stuff doesn't get updated much. And since everything else I say sounds really stupid, I'll shutup now. UpdatesAlrighty, the domain is up. BinaryFusion.Net is the domain name. Right now there is not much there as I'm still working on redoing this site. However by the end of the week it should be finished. Until then, considered this site closed. This address will only work till the end of the month. Well, I'm finally going to take the plunge and get a domain name. I've been sorta wanting one for a while, and now I've just given up waiting. Unfortunatly since I waited so long, a lot of good names have already been taken, but I think I've come up with some good replacements. I won't announce what I've finalalized on just yet so some idiot goes and registers it tonight, but I think you'll like it, and it really describes who I am. Hopefully it'll be up by the end of this week at the latest. And to go with the new name, I'll be redesigning and refocusing this site. Change is coming. Be ready. Mp3 list is updated.
A new poll is up. And if you know where I got all the answer choices, you deserve a cookie. A nice big cookie. The results of the last poll are as follows:
My 17th birthday has come and gone. I got VMware for Linux and 100 CD-R's as my presents. I'm also getting a watch, but I still haven't picked one out yet. On the website related side, I've updated the personal page very slightly, and put in a new entry into the Linux journal. Oh, and the mp3 list is updated. Holy crap, I just noticed I surpassed 2000 hits. Shows you how much I bother to browse my own website huh? Well, this is pretty cool. It took about a year to hit 2000, but at least I hit it. I'd like to thank all the people I sucke^H^H^H^H^lead to here. Wow, I am amazed. The humor page is updated with some demotivators. Enjoy. School is out, and I'm free for the summer. Well, actually I'm not. I have to do volunteer work for a scholarship (a VERY VERY good scholarship) and of course, the work for my dad's website. And then I have to figure out all this college stuff. And I want to learn Perl and improve on my C skills. So I plan to be busy : ) I got my summer job lined up: Designing web sites. My dad is part of an engineering organization and they hired me to put together an online version of an ad book they put out. It pays about what I'd get for a full-time summer job, except this is one summer job I'll love. I'm my own boss, do my own hours, and get to bang away on the keyboard all day.
This page is best viewed in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 with 1024x768 32 bit resolution. Why? Because that's what I use : ). In reality, it looks pretty much the same, but IE looks better.