My trip to the University of Florida was very nice today. First I talked to a guy about
scholarships since he was talking about ending the National Hispanic Merit scholarship thing, even after all the
admissions people said that they'd give me that money. So it looks like I'll still get my money, but that they'll change
it for next year after giving all the admissions people the new information. Then we took a regular campus tour, and
then talked to an honors college advisor. Then we met a chemical engineering student for lunch (mmmm good food) and then
toured the honors dorms a little bit. Then we stopped in for part of an Engineering department presentation, and then
talked to a CISE (the department in Engineering that I want to major in, Computer and Information Science and
Engineering) advisor. We ended the day by walking through the bookstore and eating dinner at a fast food place on campus. Overall a VERY busy day, but one that I learned
a lot on. I want to go to UF even more after today, and now I'm 95% sure that's will I'll end up at.
Some new NBC show named Tucker will be airing an episode about DDR. So if you
have no idea what the heck I'm talking about when I say Dance Dance Revolution,
watch that show Monday night and find out.
Mozilla M18
was released last night. I personally don't like the old classic Netscape theme,
I wish they'd kept the older bluish one.