Actual exam question on my digital logic test yesterday:
"You need to build an ASM chart for the following scenerio. A person in my
robots lab had their 21st birthday, and you must build a state machine for their
night. Begin in the AT_BAR state where you just chill and look for an
Interesting Person (IP). If spot an IP, ask to take their picture. If they say
yes, go to the ASK state. If they decline, go back to AT_BAR state and chill. If
in the ASK state, ask for if they have a significant other. If yes, go to AT_BAR
state. If no, go to CONTACT state. Then ask for their phone number (GET#). If
they give it, output GO4IT and go to the WORKIN_IT state. If no, go back to AT_BAR state to try again."
So yeah, a question worth 10% of my test was a flow chart for hooking up at a
bar. :)
Now you can use Google to find the top linked to pages (at least
according to Google). And looking at Yahoo is
amazing how much it's changed, but yet how much has stayed the same over the
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