July 17, 2001

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I no longer like TheCounter.com. They used to be my hit counter, and they were really really good at it too withs TONS of stats, but now they've faced the dotcom crush and have charged for anything beyond the extreme basics of hit counting. Argh! Such is the economics of the net in 2001 though. I miss the '99 days.

What's the best thing since sliced bread? Sliced peanut butter of course! You can now get your peanut butter in slices just like your cheese is now. And jelly is on the way..

Napster is going to create its own propriatary music file system named .nap. The real question though is if anyone cares what Napster does anymore. I mean they're deader than a doornail. It's almost sad to see Napster still think that people love them and will forever use them, just because they're Napster. No one liked "Napster", they liked getting free music!

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