I made my singing debut last night for the first time in my dorm's rec room.
Yes, 20 years from now when I'm a famous rock star, I'll look back on this day
fondly. Anyways, the way it came about was that they had a karaoke event
in my dorm last night, and so I got up and sang B52's Love Shack, Backstreet
Boy's I Want it That Way, and Coolio's Gangstas Paradise with some friends. I
wanted to sing Britney Spear's Oops I Did it Again, but it was a no go. Man it
was fun though, even if I am a terrible singer :)
The mp3 list is finally updated. Getting
closer and closer to 2,000. And I'll use this oppurtunity to state once again my
view on file sharing programs. I think that if the RIAA would stop bullying
things like Napster, it would see an increase in sales. Sure some people will
use it to download whole albums that they would otherwise buy, but I think most
people would use it to sample new music. I know that's what I use them for. I
would never buy 99% of the stuff I download. I just dont' feel it's worth $15
for a CD that I might not even like that much, and hence would just do without.
But with all the file sharing, I can test out new bands and new albums, and make
a definte decision on whether buying the physical CD is worth $15 of my money. I
have no problem supporting bands I like by buying their CD's. I hardly never
bought CD's before Napster, and then after Napster I began to buy a whole lot
more CD's in new genre's I never used to listen to. Mainstream radio never plays
techno, but on the internet I can download trance music with ease, exposing me
to the genre, and thus leading to the purchase of several CD's I would have
otherwise never bought. A few artists even agree with this theory, and CD sales
have definitly reflected. Sales were at an all time high during Napster's
heyday, and after Napster was shut down CD sales dropped. And a book publisher who put all
his books online for free also noticed similiar results, where book sales would
jump when he put stuff online. People could read it for free to see how good it
was, and then would be more likely to buy the book since they knew what it was,
isntead of buying some book they had no idea about. If only the RIAA would get a
I request that every male who reads this site play this game. It is of
the greatest importance. I just dont' understand how come buildings skimp on
dividers between urinals. Surely they can't cost THAT much, and it makes using
the restroom so much more comfortable. I guess they have to spend all that money
on couches for the women's restrooms (yes, there really are couches in the
women's restrooms in the student union, but not for the guys! What the heck is
up with that? What happened to equality between the sexes!?!?!).