October 23, 2002

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I did my voting today ,via absentee ballot. It let me use Google to try and figure out who I really wanted to vote for, and so I ended up voting about evenly for Republican and Democratic canidates. For governor I went with McBride since Florida schools are horrible and Bush with that stupid FCAT isnt' helping matters. McBride isn't much better, but at least he's not Bush. I hate standarized testing, I think it proves nothing and is a complete waste of time for anyone who isn't failing regular classes. Plus I didn't like how Bush planned to "decieve" Floridians and that he thinks gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt. The other offices I'd either had no idea what they did or had never heard of the canidates, so the Internet was incredibly helpful once again. There were also a ton of amendments to the Florida constitution to vote on, some of which I think had no place being in the consitution to begin with. As one site put it, "If you want pigs to be constitutionally protected, vote yes. Otherwise vote no". Pigs are important and all, but it doesn't belong in the state consitution. My favorite amendment was the one saying that any future amendment would have to lay out how much it would cost on the ballot, so that way we wouldnt' get people voting for that stupid high-speed rail system that costs millions of dollars we don't have, but gee golly it sure sounds cool so let's all vote yes! Which is also why I voted no to the amendment to limit class sizes. Sure it's a good idea, but where do you get the money for this? It's much better for something like that to be made a law rather than in the consitution. All in all it took about a good hour or so to complete the ballot, and it was pretty cool since it was my first time to ever vote in a "real" election. Every vote counts, because it's a lot of single votes that make up a majority (or minority). So be sure to vote on Nov 5th if you aren't doing absentee voting, enjoy your freedom of living in a democratic society!

ThinkGeek got a make-over the other day, so the site looks a lot cleaner now. If any of my friends are reading this and there's some event where you want to get me some kind of gift but don't know what, either check out ThinkGeek for ideas or just get me a gift certificate from them :)

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