June 26, 2001

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Salon has a great article on the assimilation of the internet by major corporations. Before we relieze it, almost all of the web will be controlled by either AOL Time Warner or Microsoft. The era of the free and wild web is slowly dying out as corporations buy out or force out their online competitors. And to think I will be able to say I lived during the period when the web was truly free, and not the corporate monstrosity like it's turning into.

Check out the Inflation calculator. That way you can know that $1 in 1950 is equivlent to $7 in today's money. Amazing eh?

THE CELLER IS BACK! Yes, the infamous Nintendork celler is staging a comeback even as the official site is down. One reader wrote a nice editorial on whatever happened to cartridge cases, for as everyone who ever owned a NES and N64 knows, the NES games came with cases, the N64 games do not. I miss those cases.

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