September 29, 2000

Previous -- September 2000 -- Next is trying to get a bill passed to allow people to listen to their CD's online if they prove they already own the CD. They are urging people to join the "Million Email March" where you email your federal represenatives and senators to tell them to support the bill. It's easy to do, just fill out a form and you got it done, or you can add your own words. I hope the bill succeeds, but I doubt it will due to the enormous political power organizations like the RIAA have.

In government we learned how exactly the electoral college works. I'm not impressed with it, and I think it should be modified to either choose electores by percentage of popular vote, or just go all out for a popular vote. But the current system is not all that great. And with that said, GO VOTE!

FYI: The derivitive of cos(x) is -sin(x).

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