A berry special hey out to my singing, raping, juicy water melon cutting,
and all around "mildly amusing" friends Sarah and Emily. Just how many in-jokes
can I fit in one sentence? :)
Discover has an interesting piece on Quantum
encryption and how eventually it'll become commonplace. Not only is it
harder to crack, but if anyone intercepts the message and tries to read it, the
reciever on the other end will know. So it's impossible to tamper with an
encoded message. Now Bush can keep secrets safe from "evil-doers" and other all
around Bad People (tm). And going off on a tangent, am I the only one sick and
tired of all of Bush's talk about "evil" and "evil-doers"? It sounds like we're
in a 3rd grade comic book.
A bit late now that the semester is almost over, but for all you poor college
students, here is the $20 a week lunch
plan. Gives you plenty of food and won't leave you dying of malnutrition. The
comments also give some dirt-cheap food solutions, and being that I have a
whopping $.93 on my declining balance (for food) to last me 4 days, it might
come in handy.