Today I signed up for a meeting to start the process for interning at several companies. It's part of the Inroads program to help minority students get internships in high school and college. If
I'm lucky I might get to mess around with computers (like coding or admining) for my internship, or at the very least do
some stuff in MS Word or design webpages. But I'm sure I'll be hired to do something with computers because I know so
much about them compared to most people. I'm excited about this oppurtunity since it'll let me get some much needed
experiance in the work place.
LOOK!: A newly released picture of Jupiter from the
Cassini mission (which if I recall correctly was the mission powered by nuclear fission which all the enviromentalists
were up in arms about).
I saw Mission to Mars yesterday, didn't like it. It was too slow and boring. I wouldn't recommend it.